Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A happy ending

This morning the SPCA called to let me know a man had reported a lost dog matching the description of the boxer I found yesterday. Within 30 minutes the owners were here. Her fear was instantly transformed into happiness - her stub of a tail in rapid motion as she jumped up to reunite with her owners. What a happy dog and a happy ending. So glad she made it home safe and sound! Turns out she hadn't gotten too far away - the owners and their four children live on the street behind my section of the neighborhood. Leila (her real name) certainly had a night outside of her comfort zone. Having been used to sleeping on a faux fur blanket at the end of her owners' bed, she spent last night outside in the cold wrapped up in a fleece blanket after refusing to come inside. I'm sure Leila won't be so eager to run away from home again, and her owners will take better precautions to make sure that never happens again.

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