Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mouthwatering gluten-free baking with Bella Gluten-Free!

For those of you who follow a gluten-free diet, you probably have had your fair share of unpleasant experiences with gluten-free baking. Unpleasant? Don't I mean catastrophic, mortifying, grainy, disgusting attempts to recreate something you once used to make in sheer delight, attempts that constantly remind you of what you have given up and make you feel like you'll never get it back again.  Well, those experiments are over! If you are gluten-free and love to bake, there is no longer the need to mourn a favorite pastime - thanks to Bella Gluten Free All-Purpose Baking Mix. With the Christmas baking season  underway, I thought I'd try out one of my favorite cookies (Cranberry White Chocolate Chip: follow link for recipe, I use vanilla instead of brandy and substituted the flour with Bella GF Baking Mix, for dairy free use margarine instead of butter and for vegan use an egg substitute. I just made mine with eggs and butter) with my miraculous gluten-free discovery. As I was mixing everything together it was unbelievable. Unlike any other gluten-free flour/baking mix I've tried in the past, this one actually has the consistency of flour, the dough looking and tasting just like the real thing. It makes you completely forget that you are actually eating something gluten-free. You'll find yourself saying - OMG, this is so good! I can't believe it's gluten-free. And you won't be the only one! People who aren't gluten-free won't notice anything, and when you tell them they will be utterly astounded. So go ahead and get some! The pizza crust is also amazing!
Available on Amazon and directly from the company:

Yes, these amazing-looking cookies are actually gluten-free!

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