As I write, I have a pot of apples on the stove - 1 kg of sliced apples (peel still on), the juice of one lemon and 3-4 Tbs. of sugar to be more exact. They will cook for about 20 minutes and then I'll mash everything up. I love homemade applesauce, so I can hardly wait!
This past week has been extremely busy as I've been trying to catch up with my real work and my work-related activities. On Friday I finally managed to finish at least one thing on my list, the new resume, and have already started sending it out to contacts I made at the conference. Saturday I addressed my house - mainly the downstairs, replacing the spring tablecloth and couch pillows with my winter red tablecloth and pillows more appropriate for fall. The best part was lighting the apple cider scented candles and dancing around the house to Bollywood music as I cleaned and rearranged. I also made some more progress in the de-cluttering department and have a whole pile of stuff ready to put in a yard sale. There are still several boxes of stuff that I need to go through and/or put in the attic.
As far as de-cluttering is concerned, some other de-cluttering took place in my personal life last week. After privately reaching a decision to end a 10-year friendship a couple of months ago (having heard very little from this person since May), the other person in the friendship contacted me to let me know that he had been having similar thoughts. What a relief to learn we were both on the same page. Had I been wiser and listened to common sense at the time, the friendship never would have progressed in the first place.
Applesauce is almost done - time to get back to some proofing!
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